Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Hello!! It's been a while since I posted my last share. Back again with a sweet treat. A dead simple and easy dessert that you will ever make..!

These days everybody has a busy lifestyle, but that shouldn't stop us from having a party or simply catch up with friends once in a while. As they say "work hard, party harder!" And any party is just incomplete without a dessert. What if you can whip up something dessertilicious in a quick wink!  These Mango and Raspberry layered cheesecake in champagne glasses are just perfect to add glamour to your party.

You may even serve them in little shot glasses.. or small tumblers, or even small jars. Keep it simple, go for any combination of fruits.. or chocolates, whatever you fancy..no baking, no gelatine, quick and easy, your "eggless" dessert is ready for freezing in less than an hours time. 

Most of all they look beautiful and classy and you don't have to stress about the look and shape when  serving in a glass as you just have to pop things in so that it looks appealing enough. That's it! Isn't that a good news, woohooo!!

Ingredients needed:

1 pack (275 grams) of biscuits (I used macadamia cookies)
6 nos of champagne glasses or any other (use plastic glasses, this will save you washing)
80 grams of unsalted butter, melted
Zest of 1 lemon (grated lemon peel, the yellow bit only)
1 tub (250 grams) of cream cheese/soft cheese, at
room temperature.
100ml thickened cream/ or just normal cream
2-3 tablespoon of caster sugar.
1-11/2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen.
shaved chocolate for topping, optional.
500 grams of  canned mangoes, pureed with little amount of juice from the can. We need a thick puree here, and not of a runny consistency. If you have any slices of mangoes left you may dice them into little chunks to mix with the puree, to add texture.

The sweetness of the mango and the sharpness of the raspberries help to balance out the richness of the cream cheese. I have added only 2 tablespoon of sugar so as to convince it is a dessert. As you will get enough sweetness from the mangoes. You may do a taste test and add more sugar if you like.


Step 1.
Place your biscuits in a food processor and ground into smooth crumbles.If you do not have access to a food processor, wrap your cookies in a kitchen towel, secure it well with a knot and give it a good bashing on your work surface..until crumbed.

Step 2:Transfer your ground biscuits into a bowl, and add grated lemon peels (zest)

Step 3: Mix zest and biscuit crumbs with a spatula.

Step 4: Add the melted butter, and coat the biscuit crumbs well and mix thoroughly.

As in here :

Step 5: Now spoon in the butter and biscuit mixture into each glass. Give it a little press with the back of your spoon to make an even base.

Like in this picture. Refrigerate atleast for 20-30 mins or until set.
Step 6: Now, whip up sugar, cream cheese and cream until soft, smooth and creamy. Swirl in a couple of tablespoons of the mango puree. I used the same jar to whip my cheese, cream mixture, which I used to puree the mangoes.

Step 6: Now remove glasses from the refrigerator, and add a layer of mango puree to each glass.

Step 7:Throw in a few raspberries.

Step 8: Spoon in the cream cheese mixture and layer with another spoon full of mango puree.

Step 8: Top it up with some more raspberries , garnish with some shaved chocolates. Transfer into the refrigerator.

Your dessert will take 4-5 hours to set.The more the merrier. 

I usually do them the night before. Serve them chilled! A delicious after dinner dessert that is moist and creamy, with the beautifully crusted macadamia cookies, richness of fruits can be enjoyed by the whole family, even if you are not planning to throw a party..! Indulge into this deliciousness and have a wonderful weekend!


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With deep care

Eat as you Like

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